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Homeland Security Operational Analysis Center

HSOAC - Homeland Security Operational Analysis Center logo In 2016, the RAND Corporation was selected to operate the Homeland Security Operational Analysis Center (HSOAC) FFRDC. HSOAC provides specialized independent and objective subject matter expertise to DHS components, program managers and operating elements in addressing national homeland security issues by developing and delivering unique DHS capabilities. HSOAC offers analysis of early-stage activities, portfolio planning and analysis, policy development, acquisition planning and support for the transition of products into government operations or licensing for use by others.

Unique Purpose and Operation

HSOAC addresses complex homeland security issues by supporting DHS endeavors to increase the unity of effort across its organization components. HSOAC researchers have expertise in the complexities of meshing military and civilian organizational structures and cultures, and experience assessing workforce and performance management efforts for several DHS components and for other large federal agencies.  As homeland security threats, risks and opportunities are not static, HSOAC possesses expert forecasting capability and the capacity to improve its accuracy and effectiveness over time. This is achieved through examining mission risk analysis for capability gaps; assessing threat, vulnerability, and risks from national and international trends with U.S. security implications; and by examining policies and other issues affecting border security.

HSOAC has nine focus areas on which it operates:

  • Acquisition Studies
  • Preparedness, Response and Recovery
  • Innovation and Technology Acceleration
  • Homeland Security Thread and Opportunity Studies
  • Personnel Policy and Management Studies
  • Operational Studies
  • Organizational Studies
  • Regulatory, Doctrine, and Policy Studies
  • Research and Development Studies

HSOAC task objectives are realized through providing analytic rigor and timely analysis to support operations, policy development, and decision making for DHS and its partners across the Homeland Security Enterprise. These objectives are also achieved by having the expertise in assessing mission requirements, designing evaluations, and developing sophisticated performance metrics that capture security outcomes and effects on a broad range of outcomes, including intangible factors such as privacy and civil liberties.

Homeland Security Operational Analysis Center (HSOAC) Fact Sheet


News Release: DHS Awards RAND Corporation a Five-Year Contract to Continue Operating the Homeland Security Operational Analysis Center

Last Updated: 01/12/2023
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